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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i did pretty well.
no binging.
no starving.
normal moderation.

i don't feel like crap.
the tea worked its wonders.
yoga helped me calm down, feel a bit better, and sleep well.
i didn't get out this morning.
{not going to make an excuse}

actually, yoga might be nice tonight, too.
tomorrow's my busy day class from 8-5 and then church until 7:30.
i will not get to see baby tomorrow unless he wakes up before i leave in the morning.
we had good cuddle time all day today and snuggled as i was putting him to bed.

off to yoga it up.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

oh weightloss...

food is my comfort.
i have always had a love hate relationship with it.
i'm either starving or binging.
i have got to get a healthy relationship with the things that i put into my body.
it's not an issue of eating healthy things.
it's an issue of portion control and cravings.
i eat too much and and i snack unhealthily.

today, at the end of the day, i am feeling over-full and sluggish.
i feel bloated and unattractive.

when i get like this, the best thing for me to do is to look ahead.
i need to plan my "next actions" and see them through.

so, next actions:
{1} get outside tomorrow with baby and walk for as long as he will let me
{no less than 20minutes}.
{2} make sure i can get the jogging stroller from mom asap.
{3} yoga. right now.
{4} water and detox tea. tonight.

i am not going to stand by and watch my life pass me by.
i am not going to gain weight.
i am not going to be unhealthy.
i am not going to hate what i see in the mirror.


i am going to do something about my weight.
i am going to lose weight.
i am going to be the healthiest version of me.
i am going to love myself.

Monday, February 1, 2010

how's the diet going?

it's not.
couped up in the house for three days {snow}...
that's my excuse.
it may be flimsy, but it's all i got.

i can't wait for spring weather.
i can't wait to play outside with my son.
then, hopefully i'll lose a few pounds.

it's doppelganger week over on facebook...
i may not have a famous doppelganger,
but my mom's pretty famous in my book.
so, i choose her...
or, rather, genetics chose me.

hopefully i'll lose a little weight and look more like her.
she's my hero.
and, everything i could hope to be.
{unintentionally sounding like "wind beneath my wings"}

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

you're going to need to hold on to that hat of yours...

cause it's about to get real up in hur.
no, seriously, though.

i've decided to use this blog for transparency.
i want it to be a space where i can feel free to deal with all of my hang ups.
so here goes...
honest to blog.

my body and i have quite a sorted past.
for the majority of our history together we have not been to kindly to one another.
meeting andrew was the thing that brought me up from the depths.
my mind stopped tormenting me for the first time that i could remember.
as far back as preschool, i can remember comparing myself to the other girls and knowing that i was just not good enough.
i remember feeling alienated in kindergarten.
i knew i was not as pretty nor was i as skinny as the other girls.
this self-doubt lasted through elementary, middle, and high school.
i was a perpetual dieter.
it probably didn't help that i was a dancer.
i had the opportunity to dance with other girls{ far more beautiful than i} clad in leotards and tights in front of a wall of mirrors for hours each week.
i played a little soccer, which called for more clothes, but no less self-doubt.
i cheered competitively and for our varsity football team.
again, self-doubt bordering self-hatred.
it also probably didn't help that none of my friends broke 120 on the scale.
i lived on 800 calories a day.
when i wasn't dancing, cheering, or playing sports, i was at the gym.
working out.
i got a boyfriend.
he noticed me at the gym.
and when i broke my foot senior year and had to stop a lot of activity,
he "lovingy" pinched the skin on my stomach and let me know that he noticed i was putting on weight.

but you know what?
even on 800 calories and a minimum of two hours of exercise daily,
i could not lose enough weight to make me happy.
my lowest possible weight was 128 - on my 5'4" frame.
it never made sense to me.
i worked so much harder than the rest of them.
i was stronger.
i could tour jete higher than any of them.
i could hyper-extend my toe-touch and i had a perfect pike.
i could put anyone up in a stunt.
i could throw the highest basket toss.
i was all-american in cheerleading.
but, i could never be happy with myself.

my entire life had been lived on a diet.
and, i was through.
i meet andrew my first semester freshman year - in Greek class.
he was beautiful.
and i put him on my "potential husband list,"
knowing that he'd never talk to me.
but, we did talk.
we talked, and talked, and talked.
he seemed to like me.
so, i took a chance and i told him how i felt.
he felt the same.
this was new.
and, exciting.
{and, did i mention that I was at my heaviest weight up until then?}
we fell in love.
and i weighed 150lbs.

i would like to say that i have never had issues with my weight since.
but, here i am.
about my weight.

so the story went.
we fell in love.
we got married.
we had a baby.
and, here i am.

i loved being pregnant.
i loved my body.
but, now a year after giving birth,
i am in a rut.
i weigh 158.
i'm squishy.
and, i need a change.

20lbs may be too much to ask.
i know.
i will never have to time to be as active as i was in high school.
and, i'm not starving myself again.
but, i think i can do it.

i need some motivation.
and, preferably some warmer weather.

but, i think i can.

i know that no one really reads this blog,
but on the off chance that someone is out there reading this crap,
i think i'm moving forward.
i will be posting my weight for all to see.
maybe this will be my motivation.

so, if you are out there.
let me know sometime.
leave some encouragement.
hold me accountable.
if not for the 20lbs,
for the 13 i need to lose to have a healthy bmi.

here's to loving myself
... and then maybe losing some weight in the process.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

new low

well, i'm starting on day three now.
but, a shower is in the plans.
husband and i are switching baby's room and the study.
then i will get a shower.


i promise.

Friday, January 8, 2010

happy weekend

We're moving this little monkey's room this weekend.
What are you doing?
Anything fun?

I hope your weekend is filled with love and laughter.


You would not believe just how productive I have been this morning.

I managed to get an entire website up and running,
edit another website,
start a twitter account for my church's youth group,
and go out to eat with a friend and baby in tow
all in one morning.

But, I still have not showered.
I probably should do that during baby's second nap today,
seeing as how we have been invited over to a friend's for dinner tonight.
It's just common courtesy, you know?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

title track

here i sit blogging at the end of the day
true to form
nary a shower in sight
maybe tomorrow

the day has been full
youth planning
bible study writing
confirmation preparing
and now, blogging

there was just no time for a shower

so i dub this post my title track