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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i did pretty well.
no binging.
no starving.
normal moderation.

i don't feel like crap.
the tea worked its wonders.
yoga helped me calm down, feel a bit better, and sleep well.
i didn't get out this morning.
{not going to make an excuse}

actually, yoga might be nice tonight, too.
tomorrow's my busy day class from 8-5 and then church until 7:30.
i will not get to see baby tomorrow unless he wakes up before i leave in the morning.
we had good cuddle time all day today and snuggled as i was putting him to bed.

off to yoga it up.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

oh weightloss...

food is my comfort.
i have always had a love hate relationship with it.
i'm either starving or binging.
i have got to get a healthy relationship with the things that i put into my body.
it's not an issue of eating healthy things.
it's an issue of portion control and cravings.
i eat too much and and i snack unhealthily.

today, at the end of the day, i am feeling over-full and sluggish.
i feel bloated and unattractive.

when i get like this, the best thing for me to do is to look ahead.
i need to plan my "next actions" and see them through.

so, next actions:
{1} get outside tomorrow with baby and walk for as long as he will let me
{no less than 20minutes}.
{2} make sure i can get the jogging stroller from mom asap.
{3} yoga. right now.
{4} water and detox tea. tonight.

i am not going to stand by and watch my life pass me by.
i am not going to gain weight.
i am not going to be unhealthy.
i am not going to hate what i see in the mirror.


i am going to do something about my weight.
i am going to lose weight.
i am going to be the healthiest version of me.
i am going to love myself.

Monday, February 1, 2010

how's the diet going?

it's not.
couped up in the house for three days {snow}...
that's my excuse.
it may be flimsy, but it's all i got.

i can't wait for spring weather.
i can't wait to play outside with my son.
then, hopefully i'll lose a few pounds.

it's doppelganger week over on facebook...
i may not have a famous doppelganger,
but my mom's pretty famous in my book.
so, i choose her...
or, rather, genetics chose me.

hopefully i'll lose a little weight and look more like her.
she's my hero.
and, everything i could hope to be.
{unintentionally sounding like "wind beneath my wings"}